Musing in Ft. Worth

Thanks to all who have contributed light musings or deep thoughts about the meaning and experience of “engagement”. Here’s a visual summary of the comments we’ve collected so far from technologists, teachers, evaluators, writers, filmmakers, and museum educators.


We will be sharing these comments at this week’s NAEA conference in Ft. Worth. Our session “Musing on Engagement” (Thursday, March 7, 11:00, Meeting Room 108, Center, 1st Floor) and this blog aim to put the oft-used term in question in order to stimulate reflection and dialogue about museum practices. Our hope is that the different perspectives offered here will help us see the term from a new angle so we can examine our work with fresh eyes.

We welcome your reflections on the topic! Please leave a text comment on our Voicethread, tweet a thought (#EngageMuse), email Ashley, or drop by our session to share your ideas. 

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